How Much are Gutter Guards?
Ineffective downspouts and gutters are the causes of most water problems that could damage your house’s foundation. To keep falling debris out of your gutters and reduce your need to clean them out, it is worthwhile to install gutter guards. There are some questions that may arise, however – how much do they cost, and are they worth it?
People get their roof gutters cleaned at least twice a year, but it’s only a temporary solution. Cleaning gutters can protect them from clogging with debris, such as shingle grit, pine needles, leaves, and other debris, but it has to be done over and over again. To make sure your gutters will never clog again, getting gutter guards is the ideal solution.
How much do gutter guards cost?
Depending on the type of material (brush, reverse curve, solid, foam, mesh, or micro-mesh), gutter guards can cost you between $0.25 and $6.00 per foot. The level of effectiveness varies with each type of gutter guard, and typically the most effective ones are also the most expensive. The type of gutter guard you need depends on your home’s location. In the fall, leaves fill your gutters, while in the spring, debris, such as small leaves, buds, petals, flowers, and seed pods find there way in them. Simply put, certain types of gutter guards are better in certain situations.
The types of guards you need and the length of your gutters are two factors that will determine the cost of your installation. For example, covers and guards cost about $7.50-$10 per linear foot installed. If we take into account that an average home has around 200 ft of gutter, you should expect to pay $1,500-$2,000 for professional gutter guard installation. If you choose to install more complex gutter guards, it will cost you more.
- Full surface tension covers and gutter helmets – $3.30-$6.00 per foot;
- Metal mesh gutter guards (come in aluminum or stainless steel) – $1.50-$3.00 per foot;
- Perforated aluminum gutter covers (come in 4’ and 8’ pieces) – $0.50-$1.25 per foot;
- Steel screens for gutter protection – $1.50-$3.00 per foot;
- Gutter brushes – $3.70-$5.75 per foot;
- Foam inserts – $2-$6 per foot;
- Micro-screen covers – $2-$3 per linear foot.
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Is it worth the cost?
Initially, having a professional install your gutter guards may seem like a large investment. In the long run, it can save you a great deal of money by removing the need for frequent gutter cleaning. And if you clean your gutters yourself, then it will save you the time you’d otherwise spend scooping debris from your gutters. Now, this doesn’t mean that you won’t have to clean your gutters ever again. Gutter guards will only reduce the number of times you’ll have to do it. We at 1-800-HANSONS recommend having your gutters cleaned at least once every two years (even with hoods and guards installed). Still, it is better than cleaning uncovered gutters several times a year.
If you want to keep your gutters to remain healthy for years and get a solution for keeping them clean, 1-800-HANSONS has the solution with a no-clog guarantee. Click here to schedule your free gutter guard estimate from 1-800-HANSONS.